the past few days (picture heavy cause my brain is a scrambled mess)
first, meet my 2 new roommates... Chelsea and her main bitch Bella

(bella is clearly a superhero)

We moved from our upper east side 1 bedroom tiny apartment to Grammercy on Saturday, paid some crazy jacked romanian $50 to move all of our goods, I feared for my life during the short ride across town

lookin gnar

our building. stoop, sup?

the new apt is ridiculously large, by ny standards (and mine in general) the kitchen is eensy weensy but its brand new (so is the bathroom) so it makes up for itself. lobby area of our apt, i love et

me and devins room, the ancient windows are my favorite

after moving in saturday we all went back to the old place to spend our last night there, woke up and moved the remainder of our shiz to grammercy, then headed to brooklyn ikea via water taxi for some rando things

ikea brooklyn, prepare to be raped in t-minus one year (ish)

chelsea being a lil kid, devin being stoked on her purchases

dropped off our shit and headed back to brooklyn for the second time that day, intense.

today was rough, nonstop but somewhat productive, lots of photoshopping and venturing to stores in greenwich village/soho to deliver lookbooks and decided I want to live there, plopped down in a coffee shop between errands and looked up and saw the empire state building, love this city.

talked to bailey tonight, miss her so much, she smoked out bon iver tonight, i dont know how she arranges these things, jealous.
in the past few minutes i've gotten urine and blood on my bed, none of which is mine. YES.
sleepytired, sleepytime.
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